To increase awareness and attracting more host families to sign up, I was tasked to create a campaign concept. This resulted in the tagline: “Integreren begint met logeren” (Integration starts with staying over), which emphasizes the vital role, host families play, in helping newcomers assimilate.
The campaign’s objective is to remind people that integration is a two-way process that begins with opening your home to newcomers. Through the use of a documentation-style approach, the Takecarebnb campaign showcases the authentic human connection between host families and asylum status holders.
"As a host family through Takecarebnb, a status holder is able to experience everyday life in the Netherlands in a natural and authentic way. They are able to practice their language skills, learn customs and unwritten rules. This is especially valuable since they may not have that opportunity while living in an asylum seeker center.
Integration starts with staying over. Become a host family."
A concept document has been created for TakecareBnb, with elements such as message, story, and instructions for the visual style + stories.
Read below the stories and experience of 2 host families. (In Dutch only)