Conversations with (former) homeless youth exposed the inadequacy of the term "homeless youth" and its political implications. To address the urgent need for change, we decided to make a bold political statement.
On August 9, large advertisements featuring the message: 'Let us die out', were placed in major newspapers NRC Handelsblad and NRC Next. Together with youth teams, experience experts and supervisors, we brought this message to the streets of Amsterdam, The Hague, Rotterdam and Utrecht. Various media picked up on this campaign and provided a platform for experience experts youth that sparked a nationwide conversation and pushed for systemic change.
To draw attention to the 12,500 young roof and homeless youth in the Netherlands, young people campaigned at four stations in the Netherlands. With the text 'Let us die out' we call on politicians to take action and do something concrete for these young people. The media has paid extensive attention to this.
Cards with priorities for improving the position of homeless youth were distributed, including providing safe and affordable housing for young people and ensuring a smooth transition from ages 18 to 18+.
In Amsterdam, The Hague, Rotterdam, and Utrecht, people were out on the streets to display the advertisement and provide information to the public.
Various media picked up on this campaign and provided a platform for experience experts youth that sparked a nationwide conversation and pushed for systemic change.
Algemeen Dagblad Rotterdam - Actie bij Rotterdam Centraal [08.08.2017]
OPEN Rotterdam [LIVE STREAM] - "Laat ons uitsterven" [09.08.2017]
Algemeen Dagblad Binnenland - Zwerfjongeren: Laat ons uitsterven [09.08.2017]
Hart van Nederland [VIDEO] - Zwerfjongeren (start at 13:46 minutes) [09.08.2017]
Algemeen Dagblad Den Haag - Zwerfjongeren doen verhaal bij CS [09.08.2017]
RTL Nieuws [VIDEO] - Richard was dakloos [09.08.2017]
RTV Utrecht [VIDEO] - Utrechtse zwerfjongeren voeren actie [09.08.2017]
Het Parool - Aldus [09.08.2017]
NOS op 3 [VIDEO] - Laat ons uitsterven [10.08.2017]
NOS op 3 - Wat er moet veranderen om van jonge daklozen af te komen [10.08.2017]
Brandpunt: De weg van het slapen op parkbankjes naar... [11.08.2017]
The advert became part of the NRC Charity Awards 2017 and reached the top 5 (4th place).